36 Days of Type, Nesquiky, Flowers Flowers Flowers, Chin Mua Branding, and more.

Here is your freshly squeezed design inspiration for the week of May 1 2023.

  • SOMETHING GORGEOUS: 36 Days of Type
  • PORTFOLIO OF THE WEEK: Roman Tesliuk
  • Nesquiky
  • FLEURS by Laura Normand
  • Chin Mua Branding
  • ONE TOK: Squeeze Bottle Controversy
  • ONE LEARNING: Lots O'Announcements!

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Resource of the Week

Envato Elements

As a designer, I am constantly on the lookout for new mockups and assets to use for projects and lately I have seen some pretty crazy prices for said assets. While there are definitely assets I don't mind spending on, I also like to be price conscious when I can.

I just learned about Envato Element's monthly subscription for only $8.99 per month. In my mind that is about the price I spend on just one mock up file. And to make it even better, if you are a student, you get a 30% off discount.

The math makes sense, and after looking at their library of assets I don't see why I wouldn't take advantage of this subscription service as a designer.

If you're someone that is tired of using the same mock ups and template files, take a look at Envato Elements!

Get Started with Envato Elements Today

Something Gorgeous

36 Days of Type

I am writing up a petition right now to declare #36daysoftype a global holiday for designers. While I can never remember the exact time of year #36daysoftype takes place, I am always delighted when new explorations and illustrations of letterforms surface in my social feeds.

If you don't already know, #36daysoftype is an open call to designers, illustrators, and visual artists to express their unique style and interpretation of the letters and numbers of the latin alphabet. Each year the results are beautiful and creatives from all over the world share their creations.

This year I've noticed a lot of 3D and illustrative explorations which I think correlates with the work produced for clients and companies this year so far.

You can follow along on instagram @36daysoftype as well as creatives sharing their processes on TikTok which I have been loving as well.

View more here.

Portfolio of the Week

Roman Tesliuk

Roman is a product designer from the digital universe aka Berlin, Germany. At least that's what I thought when I landed on his portfolio website and started scrolling through his header section.

What a lovely way to present the most important part of your portfolio website, the work! I really enjoyed floating through the different tabs of his projects and repeated the process back and forth a few times. If that doesn't catch your attention then I don't know what I am doing anymore.

Roman has a great sense of the type of design he likes to produce and his portfolio website echoes that. His projects are concise with great images and descriptions and a joy to browse through.

Portfolio Rating: 9.1/10

Roman's portfolio website is built using Webflow.

View Roman Tesliuk's portfolio here.

Creative Finds


Did anyone else know that the Nesquik rabbit's name was Quicky? Cause I surely did not...Anyway, love seeing this character with some new life and motion added for 2023. Also check out Miagui's work, awesome studio 🤘

FLEURS by Laura Normand

I don't know why this project is a thing but I love it. Laura Normand is an art director and digital artist from Paris who I would describe as a creative that loves and appreciates using the letterform as art. I specifically love her FLEURS project because it is a great example of taking your work one step further through her use of creating physical pieces of the flower works.

Chin Mua Branding

Yummy branding for a fruit bowl shop in Vietnam by Todd Huynh and Van Van. I really dig the typeface used for the Chin Mua wordmark. After being in Thailand for the last month, I've come to understand that this is the level of design that is expected from newer brands and shop owners.

PS. If you have been reading Creative Juice for the last couple of issues, then you'll know that this style of branding and design is a trend that I have been talking about for a while. Send me a 🤘 if you agree!

One Tok

Squeeze Bottle Controversy

May I introduce you to my TikTok uncle that I have never met or seen in person, tall Neil Shankar. Neil is someone I love to follow on TikTok for his views on design and business. This week he shared a little bit of a controversy in the D2C startup market between the olive oil company Graza and Brightland about their plastic bottle packaging. I think Neil's view on this is great and the comment section of his video is also something to take a look at.

Just a little reminder that there a things that are more important to your brand or product than just these surface level "features" that at the end of the day are not truly ownable as a brand.

View more here.

One Thing I Learned

Lots O'Announcements!

You are probably saying to yourself, wait a minute! It's Tuesday!

You are correct. Over the weekend I had travel plans to go from Bangkok to Bali which I missed and had to reroute which threw me off a bit but we are back on track!

Because I am a little frazzled, I want to share with you what has been going on in my world as a designer and aspiring brand owner.

First, let's talk about design work. I am currently finishing up a website build for a client project. This project included only the development and build of the website because I am working with some very talented folks who handled the design and client relation. This project has been a lot of fun to work on and I am looking forward to working with this team in the future. I will share more numbers and stats about this project at a later date on my TikTok once it goes live so stay tuned.

Another design project that just landed for me is a bit different from what I am used to. I am working with a climate technology company on a consulting engagement. Essentially, the client is hiring me to supervise and help manage the design work being produced by an outside agency. I haven't done this before as a "freelancer" per say but this is what I have done in all the full-time roles I've had leading up to this so why not? I think this is a great example of how you can use your skill in different ways and just because you are a designer or creative doesn't mean you have to be the one making all the time.

On personal projects!

For anyone that is waiting for their materials from a portfolio review. I want to apologize for the delay and will have those over to you today!

I have completed about 40 or so reviews and have about 20 more scheduled in the coming month. It has been an absolute pleasure speaking with designers from all different backgrounds and it truly gives me life. Thank you for signing up and if you are considering it, check out my website where I have a lot of those reviews hanging.

Also fun side note, I send out a feedback survey after every review and currently at 4.71!

From those reviews I have learned a lot and will be working on creating assets that can help designers improve their portfolios as well as help them land jobs within the industry.

Which brings me to my next note, just this past week I spoke with a long-time friend from university about working on a project to help place designers in cool and exciting jobs. This is something that I have always wanted to do and after seeing the talent I've spoken with during the portfolio reviews. I feel that it is my duty to make sure these talents do not go unrecognized. You may or may not know that I have this form on my link in bio where you can add your information. If you are in the market for a new role please fee free to add your information as in the coming weeks I will be reaching out to push this initiative forward.

Finally, I have the idea to put together a non-profit design studio that will work with local businesses and business owners in the countries I travel to. I met an amazing person in Thailand that helped me form this idea and will be sharing about this in the coming weeks as well. Basically, design is the most valuable skill I can offer, and as someone who travels a lot and lives in these countries, I want to make sure that I am giving back.

This week's OTIL was long but thank you for being patient!

PS. Please feel free to share with me what you are working. Would love to hear it and if there is a chance we can form some sort of group to encourage each other to continue making progress.

PPS. I am currently traveling in Bali, specifically Canggu, so if you happen to be around please send a note and let's grab coffee.

PPPS. If you know any local business owners, please send them my way!

Have a good week! and make some cool sh*t!
