Unsupervised Ai Art, A Cleaning Cult, Modern Where's Waldo?, 8-bit Magic the Gathering, and more.

Here is your freshly squeezed design inspiration for the week of March 27 2023.

  • SOMETHING GORGEOUS: Unsupervised Ai Art by Refik Anadol
  • PORTFOLIO OF THE WEEK: Nenad Grujicic
  • Clean Cult by Robot Food
  • Vincent Mahé for Modern Life
  • ONE GRAM: Glass Cuties
  • ONE LEARNING: Bamboo Tree Law

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Resource of the Week

Loop Quiet Earplugs

Loop Quiet Earplugs

I have a hard time focusing sometime at my desk, usually because I am easily distracted by the outside world or whatever is going on around me. Usually if I put on my noise cancelling headphones I can begin to find my groove and get into a flow but after an hour or so my ears need a break from the my heavy headphones.

A few weeks ago I decided to purchase a pair of Loop Quiet Earplugs after doing some research and seeing them on social media and I absolutely love them.

Loop has a few different models but I went with the basic "Quiet" model because I also wanted to use these while I sleep since I travel a lot. I am super impressed with how comfortable these earplugs are. They come with a bunch of different ear tips so that it was easy to find which size fit my ear perfectly.

If I ever need to churn through some client work and get through writing this newsletter, I pop these plugs in and get right into my flow. If you're looking for an easy way to keep yourself focused and more productive. Give these a try!

Get Started with Loop Quiet Earplugs Today

Something Gorgeous

Unsupervised Ai Art by Refik Anadol

Unsupervised Ai Art by Refik Anadol

Refik Anadol is an international renowned digital artist that currently resides in Los Angeles, California. He owns and operates Refik Anadol Studio and RAS LAB, where he and his team discover and develop innovative approaches to working with data. He also teaches at UCLA’s Department of Design Media Arts.

Unsupervised is an exhibit at MoMA NYC that uses Refik Anadol's ongoing project, Machine Hallucinations, to interpret and transform 200+ years of art at MOMA.

TL;DR - Feed an enormous catalog of art to an artificial intelligence model and tell it to come up with their own version. The results are super cool to see and watch as each piece transforms into the next.

If you're in NYC, the exhibit is on till April 15, 2023.

View more here.

Portfolio Of The Week

Nenad Grujicic

Nenad Grujicic

Nenad Grujicic is a Serbia-based designer and one half of Pudding Studio. Nenad mentions on his portfolio website that he is an avid collector of retro computers and video games and his portfolio website exudes just that. Immediately I thought of the vintage Apple campaigns with that sexy serif typeface.

Nenad's portfolio website is a great example of negative space, balancing personality with experience, and I love how everything is on one page. Nenad demonstrates that your portfolio website doesn't have to be complex with a ton of different pages if you can succinctly summarize the key components of your work.

Portfolio Rating: 9.4/10

Nenad's portfolio is built using Webflow and he makes great use of the interaction features Webflow has to offer. Pudding Studio is also built using Webflow.

If you are looking to update your portfolio website and don't know where to start, sign up for a portfolio with me at The Portfolio Whisperer.

View Nenad Grujicic's portfolio here.

Creative Finds

Clean Cult by Robot Food

Clean Cult by Robot Food

I've never seen cleaning products in a milk carton before but I'm here for it when it looks like this. Cleancult is a company focused on reducing the amount of plastic we use in our homes by providing sustainable packaging alternatives. Robot Food refreshed the brand identity with a punchy and playful voice and new visuals to go along with it.

It's giving me Ryan Reynolds meets the old Jaboody Oxiclean dubs 😂 and I like it.

View more here.

Vincent Mahé for Modern Life

Vincent Mahé for Modern Life

Vincent Mahé is a French based illustrator and these illustrations for Modern Life are nostalgic and beautiful. Here's to hoping Vincent one day creates a book that I can show my children.

View more here.



DXTR is an artist based in Berlin and part of The Weird crew. DXTR works across many mediums including large scale murals, as well as prints, and these 8-bit pieces done for Magic the Gathering. I love how he shows the pieces blown up as well as how they look on smaller devices.

View more here.


Glass Cuties

Glass Cuties

Lucas Zanotto is no stranger to my Instagram feed as I love his work that combine his 3D skills with sound design. These cute glass buddies showed up as I was scrolling and immediately thought Ikea was releasing yet another collection I needed to purchase.

View more here.

One Thing I Learned

Bamboo Tree Law

You start with a little seed, plant it, and water it for a whole year, but nothing happens. The second year you water it, again, nothing happens. The third year you water it, and still no sign of your effort. If you stayed consistent and continued to water it into the fifth year, the tree finally sprouts and grows up to ninety feet in six weeks!

A career as a designer or creative is very much like trying to grow a bamboo tree, it’s often discouraging, but great things happen if you remain persistent. If it seems like all of your hard work isn’t adding up right now — be patient and keep watering the bamboo.

Trust the process.

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