Cinematic Illustrations for Netflix, The DALL-E Invitational, LunaWolf Branding, Nation Park Service Crochets! and more.

Here is your freshly squeezed design inspiration for the week of March 20 2023.

  • SOMETHING GORGEOUS: Cinematic Illustrations for Netflix
  • PORTFOLIO OF THE WEEK: Hisami Kurita
  • The DALL-E Invitational
  • LunaWolf Branding
  • National Park Service Crochets!
  • ONE TOK: Majestic Plastic Bag Hoodie
  • ONE THING I LEARNED: Nothing Learned, Everything Gained

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Resource of the Week



I think this new no-code website builder is going to be big in 2023 and on!

You may know that I am a big fan of Webflow when it comes to building websites for client projects and my own projects. Recently I messed around with Framer and I absolutely love it. I haven't built anything substantial in it just yet, but I plan on using it more this year for clients and a few other ideas.

Imagine Figma, but being able to design, style, and publish your website designs live all from one application. Framer makes it really easy to focus on the design aspect of building a website and handles all of the complex coding for you. I am very excited to be using it more in 2023 and definitely recommend checking it out if you have time.

Get Started with Framer Today

Something Gorgeous

Cinematic Illustrations for Netflix

Cinematic Illustrations for Netflix

I love when companies take the time to focus on the smaller bits and pieces of their products just like this campaign for Netflix done by design powerhouse Koto Studio. Netflix approached Koto to inject the visual language of the cinema into their product experience which included evolving their previous's typography, iconography, and illustrations.

Overall I think the work feels fresh and quite a big step for Netflix considering the app experience relies so heavily on artwork from it's shows. I also love Koto's presentation of how they selected the color palettes for the illustrations.

Make sure to checkout the full case study here.

View more here.

Portfolio Of The Week

Hisami Kurita

Hisami Kurita

Hisami Kurita is a front-end developer so it's no wonder his website blows my mind. From the layout and typography to all the little interactions that are happening any time you move your cursor. This portfolio website is beautiful.

I mean he has even developed a custom animation for that boring logo that every website has in the corner of their navigation bar!

I am still scrolling and exploring as I am writing this and his projects are really well-done.

Portfolio Rating: 10/5 (I really need to start rating out of 10)

I have no idea how this website is built because Hisami even came up with animation for when you right click on the page. If I had to say though, this website is 100% custom built using some sort of website wizardry but I can see how you could build a lot of this in something like a Webflow.

View Hisami Kurita's portfolio here.

Creative Finds

The DALL-E Invitational

The DALL-E Invitational

Sight Unseen asked a bunch of designers to create rooms, objects, and other weird stuff using the Ai image-generator DALL-E and the results are pretty interesting. With the release of GPT-4, the capabilities of Ai are continuing to expand and it is always interesting to see how these tools can be used alongside designers and creatives.

View more here.

LunaWolf Branding

LunaWolf Branding

LunaWolf is a US-based production company focused on supporting women directors, actors, and writers in a male-dominated movie industry. I especially love the LunaWolf logo and the cosmic environments created for the website and printed materials.

View more here.

Nation Park Service Crochets!

Nation Park Service Crochets!

Whoever is doing marketing for the Nation Park Service needs an award. Between their comical twitter account and now these free crochet patterns that you can use to make your own halibut, walleye, or even a triops. The Nation Park Service gets my nomination for best brand of 2023!

The NPS is a bit difficult to navigate so use the links above if you want to get your crochet on!

View more here.


Majestic Plastic Bag Hoodie

Majestic Plastic Bag Hoodie

Tasha Determan also know as on TikTok, is a material process artist. She works in many different mediums but her plastic bag hoodie immediately caught my eyes while scrolling. I mean look how majestic it moves and sways!

Check out more of Tasha's work on her TikTok.

View more here.

One Thing I Learned

Nothing Learned, Everything Gained

Admittedly this week was not a very productive one. I packed my bags for Austin, Texas and what was originally suppose to be one day of travel turned into two blurry days due to flight delays.

I was heading to Austin to support some friends that were playing SXSW for the first time. From Austin I was then off to the wedding of a good friend in Dallas. I had never visited either city so I was excited. I told myself that I would be responsible and make sure to be productive in the morning hours so that I can spend the majority of the day with friends and exploring the cities.

Can you guess what actually happened?

That plan went out the window quick. While I was able to send off a few emails I had a very laidback week. And you know what? I think it still turned out pretty productive.

I got to spend some real quality time with friends without worrying about work. I made a bunch of new friends in the process. And I saw a close friend get married.

How much more productive could last week have gotten?

I hope you have a great start to the week! And make some cool sh*t!

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