Design Portfolio Review Overview

Hey everyone, back with another portfolio review! Today I'm looking at Khadiya's product design portfolio website. I have some great tips to help refine and elevate her portfolio.

One suggestion is simplifying the homepage header. Adding an image to reflect Hida's personality plus a clear, concise tagline explaining her offering would be great.I also recommend including resume details directly on her About page rather than just linking to it. This improves user experience. Additionally, I push improving project page alignment, spacing and layout for a more polished look. There are some small tweaks needed.

Finally, I encourage expanding project details and visuals to tell a clearer story. More images, user flows, diagrams etc help communicate her process and demonstrate her skills. I advise adding more of these types of visuals.

With these focused updates to improve her homepage header, upgrade layouts, and provide more project context through visuals and descriptions, Khadiya's portfolio will really shine and make her work stand out. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Key Points

  • Improving user experience on design portfolio website.
  • How to include your resume effectively.
  • How to improve your design portfolio website page layout.
  • How to expand your design project details and images.

To Think On

  • What is your design personality and aesthetic? How can you build a visual identity around those for your design portfolio website?
  • What additional images and visuals can you add to your design case studies to help tell the story?
  • How can you highlight your role and experience in your design projects and throughout your portfolio website more clear?


  • Fix the scrolling text issue on all pages.
  • Update your homepage header to capture your 'what' and 'who'.
  • Add your previous roles and experience directly on your about page.
  • Expand your case study visuals and descriptions.
Portfolio Reviews