"The specificity Jon provides while working through each case study is incredibly helpful as I continue to refine my work."

Key Points

  • Showcasing your personality on your portfolio website.
  • Organizing your portfolio website homepage.
  • Formatting your project pages to encompass a more complete overview of your experience and responsibilities in your roles.
  • Developing a place/page on your portfolio website to display your interests outside of your full-time role.

To Think On

  • How can you add more of your personality and taste to your portfolio website or presentation?
  • What other work or responsibilities can you include in your project case studies?
  • Beyond design, how can you show more of the client relation side to your role to display your experience and skills outside of making?


  • Go through all of the work from your current and previous roles and try to include more to develop a complete picture of your experience.
  • Consider reorganizing your homepage and including more of the work from your "Personal Work" on your homepage.


Portfolio Reviews