"Thanks for taking the time to look through my portfolio and give some constructive feedback."

Key Points

  • Communicating your experience as a creative director on a portfolio website.
  • Showcasing all of the experience gained while working in a very diverse city council organization.
  • Organizing and presenting your portfolio work by campaign and providing in-depth descriptions to discuss the entirety of the project.
  • Choosing the right website builder for your portfolio website.

To Think On

  • What are the projects that you have worked on that really showcase the many different stakeholders you've worked with to complete or all the different applications you used to launch the campaign?
  • What are the key responsibilities of a creative director and how can you focus on presenting those valuable skills rather than your output.


  • Develop 1-3 rich in-depth case studies that you present and discuss on length.
  • Consider switching your portfolio website platform to better aid in presenting your experience. Potentially even step back from a website and put together a presentation that communicates your personality and experience.


  • Casey Maher - One of my previous creative directors who is very talented and great example of presenting work.
  • Mockup Maison - Great website to purchase mocks.
Portfolio Reviews