Key Points

  • Understanding how to effectively present your work and format your portfolio.
  • Using text strategically throughout your project pages to help explain your design process and choices.
  • Building a compelling narrative around your projects and avoiding a bare-bones presentation of objectives and outcomes.
  • Enhancing your homepage by improving the presentation of your projects.

To Think On

  • How can you incorporate more actual layouts of character design in your projects?
  • How can you talk more about the characters you've created, their personalities, and why you designed them the way you did?


  • Consider splitting large images into smaller ones and using grid features to present your work more clearly and effectively.
  • Remember to build a story behind your project and the results it yielded.
  • Consider editing or re-shooting your project photos, paying close attention to lighting and the quality of the paper.
  • Use text to echo some of the features in your images (e.g. why you chose to design a character a certain way).
Portfolio Reviews