Follow this streamlined and strategic approach to launch your portfolio website this week. I guarantee it.

Does the thought of building a portfolio website make you break out in a cold sweat. It feels like climbing a mountain, doesn't it? I've seen it time and time again – this daunting task often leads to a bad case of analysis paralysis, leaving many designers and creatives stuck at square one.

But what if I told you that you could launch your portfolio website this week? No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

In this article, I'm going to share the three essential steps that will get your portfolio website up and running, putting your work in front of potential clients and job opportunities in no time. Whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned pro looking to refresh your online presence, these steps will help you create a stunning portfolio website without getting bogged down in the details.

As someone who's reviewed hundreds of portfolio websites and helped countless creatives showcase their best selves online. I've boiled down the process to its core elements. These three steps are designed to help you launch quickly while staying strategically focused and avoiding common potholes.

Let’s get started…

Step 1: Collect Your Work

The first and most important step in my opinion in launching your portfolio website is gathering all your work. This step comes before you even think about choosing a platform or designing your site. It's all about taking stock of your creative assets and getting a complete picture of what you'll showcase online.

Why is this step so important? It helps you spot gaps in your portfolio and ensures you have the right content for the skill level you want to pursue. Different stages of your creative career require different types of content on your portfolio website.

Not sure what stage you're at and aiming for? Check out my article on "The Three Levels of Portfolio Websites: Which Level Are You?"

Here's what you need to collect:

  1. Completed projects: Choose work that best represents your skills and style.
  2. About me and bio: A compelling introduction to you and your creative career.
  3. Social media links: Connections to your professional accounts.
  4. Contact information: How potential clients can reach you.

When it comes to choosing projects, it's crucial to select the right types that will impress potential clients or employers.

Remember, your goal is to show your best work. But before you decide what's "best," gather everything. This gives you a complete overview of all your projects.

If you want to master this skill for the rest of your design career, check out my course "How to Craft Sexy Case Studies for Your Portfolio".

In the course, we dive deep into understanding what makes work "the best." We look at how to define your best work and use the concept of ideal clients to guide your choices. This approach helps you feel confident that your portfolio website truly shows the best side of you.

Quality trumps quantity in your portfolio. It's better to have a few stellar projects that truly represent your skills than a sea of mid work. As you gather your content, you might notice gaps in your portfolio. That's okay! Use this as an opportunity to identify areas for growth or new project ideas.

Step 2: Choose Your Platform

Now that you've gathered all your work and content, it's time to choose where your portfolio will live. Our goal is to launch your portfolio website this week without any hesitation, friction, or complexity. So, we're going to keep things simple and effective.

Here's a key point to remember. At this stage, we're not designing our portfolio website from scratch. Instead, we're going to use templates. Why? Because templates are a fantastic way to get your portfolio up and running quickly. They provide a professional structure that you can easily personalize with your work.

Based on my experience reviewing hundreds of designer and creative portfolios, I highly recommend using Framer as your portfolio website platform. It offers a great balance of ease of use and customization options. If you’re curious about other platforms, you can check out my list of “15 Best FREE Portfolio Website Builders For Designers”.

For templates, you can start your search at my shop, Pixel Mart. I've created a range of portfolio website templates based on my extensive portfolio reviews. These bespoke templates are developed with designers and creatives in mind and have all the items clients and jobs are looking for.

Remember how we collected all our work before choosing a platform? This forward-thinking approach is about to pay off. Having a clear idea of your content makes it much easier to choose the right template. You'll know exactly what features and sections your template needs to make your work and content shine.

When browsing templates, look for these key features:

  1. Clean, professional design
  2. Easy-to-navigate layout
  3. Sections that match your content (e.g., project galleries, about me, contact info)
  4. Mobile responsiveness
  5. Customization options to reflect your personal brand and aesthetic

By choosing a platform and template that align with your content and goals, you're setting yourself up for a smooth and quick launch of your portfolio website.

Step 3: Publish and Launch

You're in the home stretch! Now that you've chosen your portfolio website platform and selected a template, it's time to prepare your content for launch. This final step is all about polishing your portfolio website and sending it out into the world.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Upload your content: Take the time to carefully add all your work, projects, and information to your chosen template.
  2. Make it look good: Ensure everything is visually appealing and professionally presented.
  3. Quality check: Review and double-check these key areas:some text
    • Spelling and grammar: Proofread all your text.
    • Image quality: Make sure your visuals are crisp and clear.
    • Page loading speed: Check that your site loads quickly on different devices.
    • Content display: Verify that all your content appears correctly.

These checks are crucial because they directly impact how potential clients and hiring managers perceive your work. A polished will make a strong first impression.

Once you're satisfied with how your portfolio website looks and functions, it's time for the exciting part – hitting that publish button. With just a click, you'll be sharing your creative work with the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it typically take to launch a portfolio website?

With focused effort, you can potentially launch your portfolio website in days maybe even hours. The most time-consuming part is often collecting and selecting your work. If you follow the three-step process outlined in this guide – collecting your work, choosing your platform, and publishing your site – you can have your digital showcase up and running quickly.

Do I need coding skills to create a portfolio website?

Not necessarily! Many portfolio website platforms today, like Framer, offer user-friendly interfaces that require little to no coding knowledge. By using templates and drag-and-drop editors, you can create a professional-looking site without writing a single line of code. However, basic HTML and CSS skills can be helpful for more advanced customization.

Check out my “15 Best FREE Portfolio Website Builders For Designers” for all the portfolio website platforms like Framer.

How many projects should I include in my portfolio?

Quality trumps quantity in a portfolio. Start with your 3-4 best projects that represent the work you want to do more of. These should showcase your skills, style, and the type of clients you want to attract. As your career progresses, you can add more projects, but always prioritize your strongest work. If you want to learn more how about how many project should be on your portfolio website throughout your career, I wrote a whole article you can check out here.

Can I use a free website builder for my portfolio?

Yes, you can start with a free website builder. Many platforms offer free plans for those getting started or those on a tight budget. Once you have progressed in your design or creative career, it's often worth investing in a paid plan. Paid plans typically offer more features, allow you to use a custom domain name, and become your business calling card which looks more professional.

How often should I update my portfolio website?

Aim to review and update your portfolio website every few months, or whenever you complete a significant new project. Regular updates show that you're active in your field and continually improving your skills. It's also a good idea to refresh your design every year or two to keep your site looking current.

Is it better to use a template or create a custom design for my portfolio?

For most creatives, especially when launching quickly, using a template is the best option. Templates offer several advantages:

  • They're quick to set up
  • They're professionally designed
  • They allow you to focus on your content rather than design details

Custom designs can be great if you have specific needs or advanced web design skills, but they typically take more time and effort to create. You can always start with a template and customize it more over time as your needs evolve.

Remember, the most important aspect of your portfolio website is the quality of your work and how you present it. A well-chosen template can provide the perfect backdrop for your creative projects to shine.


Launching your portfolio website doesn't have to be a daunting task. By following these three steps – collecting your work, choosing your platform, and publishing your site – you can have a professional online presence up and running in no time.

Remember, your portfolio is a living document of your creative career. It will grow and evolve with you, so don't let perfectionism hold you back from launching. The most important step is to start.

Need some inspiration to get your portfolio website started? Sign up for my newsletter, Creative Juice, where each week I share 3 creative finds and 1 portfolio of the week to get your creative juices flowing. You’ll also stay up to date for when I launch video tutorials about portfolio websites and how to build them.

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