From one designer to another, these are the best places to look for graphic design jobs. I know from experience!

If you’re currently a full-time graphic designer or just entering the professional field you may be overwhelmed by the thought of searching for that new perfect job.  There are so many places to look now but which ones will give you the most chances? In addition, not only are there so many places to look but there are so many platforms that you should have a profile on.

Fear not! Take a deep breath and I promise by the end of this article you will know exactly where to look for your next graphic design job. Also make sure you read to the end to see my top 5 favorite places that I use everytime I’m looking for my next graphic design job.

16 Most Popular Places to Find Graphic Design Jobs

  1. WorkingNotWorking
  2. Toptal
  3. Linkedin
  4. Coroflot
  5. Fiverr
  6. Upwork
  7. Behance
  8. Indeed
  9. Wethemakers
  10. Dribbble
  11. Krop
  12. NODESK
  13. #epicjobs
  14. If You Could Jobs
  15. AngelList
  16. Craigslist


Founded by Justin Gignac while he was repeatedly contacted during his freelance design days, WorkingNotWorking is a creative job board that has the attention of major brands and companies in the entertainment, media, marketing, and consumer industries. WorkingNotWorking has been mentioned a few times on the podcast by MTV’s VP of digital design, Rich Tu and Alex Center the founder and creative director of Center.

WorkingNotWorking Website


Toptal markets itself an exclusive network of the top 3% of freelance talent. I have had experience with Toptal, working to hire and be hired. In both of those situations I was very much impressed. The jobs and companies they work with tend to lean more towards the technology and startup companies which can be great for getting experience in growing industries.

Toptal Website


While you can find just about any job under the sun on LinkedIn, it is also a great place for graphic design jobs. Whenever I start my search for a new graphic design job I usually start on LinkedIn as you can find a good variety of companies from all different industries.

Linkedin Jobs


Coroflot helps designers make connections to jobs and opportunities with design-driven companies. Over the years I’ve seen Coroflot become more and more tailored for graphic designers and I completely welcome it. Coroflot is still a great place to look for jobs.

Coroflot Website


Fiverr is a marketplace for freelance services but graphic design is one area that is always in demand on this website. Being a graphic designer myself I can understand that some people may have issues with fiverr as prices are perceived to be less than what you would normally collect. However I think fiverr is a great way to make some cash as a graphic designer.

Fiverr Website


Very similar to Fiverr, Upwork is another marketplace for freelance services with graphic design also being in high demand. I tend to use upwork more than fiverr. Not really sure why but I haven’t had any bad experiences yet.

Upwork Website


Behance is a wonderful community for creatives including design, illustration, photography, and more. It is extremely easy to set up a profile and get running as a graphic designer. I also suggest if you don’t have a portfolio to use Behance as a good starting place.

Behance Website


Indeed is a more universal job board but still has plenty of graphic design jobs. On Indeed you can find jobs from all over and companies sometimes list the compensation.

Indeed Website


I believe WeTheMakers started as an instagram page, or at least that’s where I found them. It always has jobs specific to designers and located all around the world. The variety of design jobs is also something that I haven’t seen anywhere else when it comes to graphic design job boards.

WeTheMakers Website


A very very popular creative community and network that tends to lean more towards graphic designers, product designers, and illustrators. Having a profile on Dribbble is probably a good idea as a lot of companies scan this platform to look for designers.

Dribbble Website


Not only is Krop easy on the eyes when it comes to looking for graphic design jobs it also boasts a great portfolio of companies that use it. Companies like Nike, Tesla, Netflix, Apple, HBO, MTV, ESPN, Twitter and many more use Krop to hire. Krop also offers a portfolio website builder that can make getting seen and hired a lot easier.

Krop Website


Just like the name says NODESK helps people find remote jobs which means that there are a ton of opportunities to find graphic design jobs you can do from anywhere! In my experience companies that list their open roles on these boards are more flexible and sometimes more interesting.

NODESK Website


Epicjobs is like the twitter feed of graphic design jobs. While all the jobs listed are not just for graphic designers, it is really easy to find graphic design jobs on this website. Just quickly scrolling through I was able to find jobs listed for popular companies such as Twitter, Slack, Mailchimp, Typeorm, AKQA, and more.

#Epicjobs Website

If You Could Jobs

A very welcoming and illustrative job board for creatives specific to the UK. This job board does a fantastic job keeping their postings updated and letting you know when the applications close.

If You Could Jobs Website


Angellist is a fantastic place for graphic design jobs in the startup community. There are so many new companies that need graphic designers to support them as they grow. This also presents a great opportunity to get into a company while they are young and grow along side them.

AngelList Website


Yes, Craigslist is still a place to look for graphic design jobs. I cannot count how many times I’ve heard legendary stories of amazing graphic designers getting their first jobs through craigslist which then opened up the next 5 doors down the road for them. Always proceed with caution and do not complete any services until you have payment in hand.

Craigslist Website

My Top 5 Favorite Places to Find Graphic Design Jobs

If you’ve made it to the bottom of this article, thank you and congratulations. All 15 of the job boards I listed are all great places to look. However anytime I am looking for a new graphic design job I have my top 5 favorite places to look and here they are in order.

  1. LinkedIn
  2. AngelList
  3. WorkingNotWorking
  4. Behance
  5. Dribbble


I like and use LinkedIn a lot for a few reasons. First of all they have a ton of jobs and most of the companies in my area used LinkedIn to hire regularly. It is probably the first place most hiring managers go. Second, when it comes to hiring graphic designers, your previous experience can say a lot about your skills and what it’s like to work with you. Having that information readily available for the hiring to view easily I think really helps with the job application process. For both of these reasons LinkedIn sits as my number 1 place to look for graphic design jobs.


AngelList is somewhat tied for second and third but I really like it as a place to look for graphic design jobs. As I mentioned AngelList has a lot of opportunities for jobs in the startup community. This usually means that you will be joining the company at an early stage and sometimes even be the first design hire. This is a great chance to learn what it takes to grow the design function of the company. Also within the startup I tend to agree that the companies are just more interesting to work and doing cooler things than traditional companies.


Like I said, this is tied with AngelList for second and third. I think WNW does so much for the creative community. Not only does it have a ton of companies looking on their site to hire graphic designers but WNW also offers opportunities for you to connect with other creatives and designers. In addition to those two things it provides resources on their blog and podcast that offer great tips to grow. WorkingNotWorking is definitely a place that you should have a profile and showcase your work if you aren’t already.


Similar to WorkingNotWorking, Behance offers a great community, resources,  and profile feature for graphic designers. I look on the job boards for new jobs but I tend to have more luck with having companies actively reach out to me which is great and why I suggest you make sure to have a profile on this website as well. Behance makes it easy for you to have a professional looking profile that showcases all of your work and this is a big must when looking for graphic design jobs.


Finally, and my last favorite place to look for graphic design jobs is Dribbble. Now in full transparency I don’t have much luck on Dribbble. Not because there aren’t companies looking to hire there. That is not the case at all. Matter of fact I have graphic designer friends that get most of their jobs from Dribbble. I actually don’t have a lot of my work on Dribble and don’t stay active on the platform.

With that said, don’t make the same mistake I have. Here are 15 popular places to find graphic design job. If that sounds like too many to choose from then take my recommendation and use my 5 favorite ones including, Linkedin, AngelList, WorkingNotWorking, Behance, and Dribbble to find your next perfect graphic design job. If you need help getting started checkout our creative jobs tool kit which includes a free resume template, portfolio template, and cover letter to help with the job application process. You can download the templates here.

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